Web Blog Post

    One valuable thing I learned in Web this year was how to use new equipment and master it. I learned it through hands on experiment. It is important to the learning process and learning new skills. I faced many challenges like technical issues, but I quickly overcame them. My greatest strength was working cooperatively, my greatest weakness is working alone, but I have improved this through practice. I faced a few challenges not getting distracted, but was able to complete everything. I am going to use everything I have learned to continue to grow over the summer. I learned how to collaborate and plan effectively with my team. In the guarantee of Communication I learned to effectively communicate my plans and wishes for project, as well any needed help. I learned to manage my projects and get them turned in on time. I believe my leadership skills have excelled over the year, I have taken charge and effectively lead teams. E-Comm was very fun and I learned a lot of the year, I can not wait to continue next year.


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